AI+OR Solution for

Purpose-built, AI ecosystem to scale your ROI growth

Seamless data ingestion from CRM, analytics and attribution platform

The two Flai AI systems are ready to begin recommending actions


Targeting AI

Data-Driven Research Infrastructure for Business Growth. Unlock the full potential of your data with Flai Data's bespoke research solutions.

Exceed Your Business
Objectives with Our Expertise

Harness our expert systems to elevate your business outcomes and decision-making processes.

Targeting Through Data

Utilize our advanced statistical models to identify and engage your most valuable customer segments effectively.


Performance AI

Instant Access to Advanced Research Tools. Our sophisticated suite of analytical tools is engineered to deliver optimal performance seamlessly.

Significant Cost Savings

Minimize unnecessary expenditure with our targeted research insights.

Accelerated Insights Turnaround

Rapidly derive valuable insights with our efficient data analysis protocols.

Substantial ROI Growth

Leverage our analytical prowess to optimize your strategies and witness a marked increase in ROI.

Strategic Performance Enhancement

Deploy our custom-developed models to improve your marketing efficiency and ROI.

of Advertising Expenses
(CPC and Cost Per Conversion):

Applying machine learning to bid optimization could reduce cost per click and conversion costs. Improvements could range from 10% to 50%, based on previous cases.

up to 50%
up to 20%

Increase in
Click-Through Rate (CTR):

Using analytics for A/B testing and ad personalization could improve CTR by 5-20%.

Increase in Conversions
(Conversion Rate):

Predictive analytics and targeted segmentation could improve conversion rates by 10-30%.

up to 30%
up to 50%

Understanding User Behavior
(Video Views, Video Watched):

Deep data analysis on viewing patterns could help optimize video length and content, potentially increasing metrics by 15-50%.

Trends and Seasonality:

Time series models can help forecast and adjust campaigns for seasonal fluctuations, enhancing efficiency by 10-25%.

up to 25%
up to 15%

Detection & Monitoring:

Anomaly detection systems can prevent losses of 5-15% by timely identifying and addressing issues.

Targeting AI and Performance AI


Elevate your content with FlaiData's AI, designed to connect deeply and improve audience engagement.


Achieve precision in communication as our analytics carve out messages that resonate with each segment.


Stay ahead with creatives that evolve, ensuring your campaign's continuous growth in conversions.